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Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.

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 Fabaceae Leguminosae Papilionaceae
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Chromosome number  
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 Sesbania aegyptiaca Poir. Sesbania punctata auct. non DC.
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Vernacular names  
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Origin and geographic distribution  
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 Auxiliary plants Cereals and pulses Fibres Forages Fuel plants Medicinal plants Timbers Vegetables
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 show more (6)comments (0) 
 show more (38)comments (0) 
Other botanical information  
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Growth and development  
 show more (9)comments (0) 
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Propagation and planting  
 show more (15)comments (0) 
 show more (3)comments (0) 
Diseases and pests  
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 show more (1)comments (0) 
 show more (2)comments (0) 
Handling after harvest  
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Genetic resources and breeding  
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 show more (1)comments (0) 
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Major references  
 â€¢ ’t Mannetje, L. & Jones, R.M. (Editors), 1992. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 4. Forages. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. 300 pp.
• Arbonnier, M., 2000. Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d’Afrique de l’Ouest. CIRAD, MNHN, UICN. 541 pp.
• Beentje, H.J., 1994. Kenya trees, shrubs and lianas. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. 722 pp.
• Bekele-Tesemma, A., 2007. Useful trees and shrubs for Ethiopia: identification, propagation and management for 17 agroclimatic zones. Technical Manual No 6. RELMA in ICRAF Project, Nairobi, Kenya. 552 pp.
• Blaser, J., Rajoelison, G., Tsiza, G., Rajemison, M., Rabevohitra, R., Randrianjafy, H., Razafindrianilana, N., Rakotovao, G. & Comtet, S., 1993. Choix des essences pour la sylviculture à Madagascar. Akon'ny Ala: Bulletin du Departèment des Eaux et Fôrets 12–13. 166 pp.
• Burkill, H.M., 1995. The useful plants of West Tropical Africa. 2nd Edition. Volume 3, Families J–L. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom. 857 pp.
• Chilufya, H. & Tengnäs, B., 1996. Agroforestry extension manual for northern Zambia. Regional Soil Conservation Unit, Nairobi, Kenya. 120 + 124 pp.
• Clark, T.E., Appleton, C.C. & Drewes, S.E., 1997. A semi-quantitative approach to the selection of appropriate candidate plant molluscicides – a South African application. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 56: 1–13.
• du Puy, D.J., Labat, J.N., Rabevohitra, R., Villiers, J.-F., Bosser, J. & Moat, J., 2002. The Leguminosae of Madagascar. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom. 750 pp.
• Geissler, P.W., Harris, S.A., Prince, R.J., Olsen, A., Achieng’ Odhiambo, R., Oketch-Rabah, H., Madiega, P.A., Andersen, A. & Mølgaard, P., 2002. Medicinal plants used by Luo mothers and children in Bondo district, Kenya. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 83: 39–54.
• Hamill, F.A., Apio, S., Mubiru, N.K., Mosango, M., Bukenya-Ziraba, R., Maganyi, O.W. & Soejarto, D.D., 2000. Traditional herbal drugs of southern Uganda, 1. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 70: 281–300.
• Katende, A.B., Birnie, A. & Tengnäs, B., 1995. Useful trees and shrubs for Uganda: identification, propagation and management for agricultural and pastoral communities. Technical Handbook 10. Regional Soil Conservation Unit, Nairobi, Kenya. 710 pp.
• Kokwaro, J.O., 1993. Medicinal plants of East Africa. 2nd Edition. Kenya Literature Bureau, Nairobi, Kenya. 401 pp.
• Maundu, P., Berger, D., Saitabau, C., Nasieku, J., Kipelian, M., Mathenge, S., Morimoto, Y. & Höft, R., 2001. Ethnobotany of the Loita Maasai. Towards community management of the forest of the Lost Child. Experiences from the Loita Ethnobotany Project. UNESCO People and Plants Working Paper 8, Paris, France. 34 pp.
• Neuwinger, H.D., 2000. African traditional medicine: a dictionary of plant use and applications. Medpharm Scientific, Stuttgart, Germany. 589 pp.
• Vlietinck, A.J., van Hoof, L., Totté, J., Lasure, A., Vanden Berghe, D.A., Rwangabo, P.C. & Mvukiyumwami, J., 1995. Screening of hundred Rwandese medicinal plants for antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 46: 31–47.
• Wambugu, C., Franzel, S., Cordero, J. & Stewart, J., 2006. Fodder shrubs for dairy farmers in East Africa: making extension decisions and putting them into practica. World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. 169 pp.
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Other references  
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Afriref references  
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Sources of illustration  
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Correct citation of this article  

Additional references  
Study abstract
 There are 34 study abstracts related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in books
 There are 300 book citations related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in web searches
 There are 264 citation in web searches related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in scholarly articles
 There are 173 citation in scholarly articles related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in news articles
 There are 18 news article citations related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in Afrirefs
 There are 29 citations in Afrirefs related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in Wikipedia
 There are 9 Wikipedia citations related to Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. Click on "show more" to view them.
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General importance
Geographic coverage Africa
Geographic coverage World
Cereals and pulses
Ornamental use
Forage/feed use
Timber use
Auxiliary use
Fuel use
Medicinal use
Fibre use
Climate change
Food security

Sesbania sesban
Factsheet - Sesbania sesban
530 x 577 - 171k - jpg

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All texts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Netherlands License
This license does not include the illustrations (Maps,drawings,pictures); these remain all under copyright.